Networking / Food - 5:00pm
Introductions - 5:50pm
Hosted by T.J. Meehan, CADD Microsystems
Navigating the AI Hype - 6:00pm
Presented by Ryan Johnson, Clark Nexsen
In this session, we'll examine AI's influence across the design spectrum, detailing how it is reshaping tools, processes, and thinking in architecture and engineering. Ryan will showcase real-world AI use at Clark Nexsen, how they are navigating AI-related anxieties, and paths for leveraging AI throughout the design process.
AI Tools and Services Utilized by Design Collective - 6:30pm
Presented by Andrew Watkins, Design Collective
Roundtable Discussion - 7:00pm
Moderated by T.J. Meehan, CADD Microsystems
Please join us for a lively discussion with the entire group.